
Hope Teacher, Sushma Desai | Nersa’s own hope and joy brings Phonemic Intelligence to her community

Sushma Desai: Nersa’s own hope and joy brings Phonemic Intelligence to her community. Sushma Desai has been working at a Hope Learning Station in Nersa, Karnataka for three years and implementing Dr. Pillai’s teachings of Phonemic Intelligence with the students of her community. In her own words,...

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Hope Superstar, Vidhit | PI Practice Helped Me to Stay Calm, Focused, and Dissipated my Anger.

Vidhit Arun Rasam is studying in standard 8th at Shree Bhagwati High School Munage. He lives with his parents, brother, and grandmother. His parents work on farms and earn little money from which they manage to take care of their family. When Vidhit joined HLS, he was very mischievous and...

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