Food For All
Take one step forward to end hunger.
Let’s Pray that All the World has Food
Dr. Pillai’s vision is that all in the world should have food. We invite everyone to join us in the power of prayer for Food for All and the end to world hunger.

“I want you to feed the hungry as extensively as possible with great love, not just for an exchange of something else. You will do this out of pure love for those souls suffering.”
Tripura Foundation had its origins in India in 2000 when we launched the preparation and delivery of hot meals to 1000 families in the slums of Chennai, Tamil Nadu. From that day, we created one of our core programs, Million Meals of Hope, and have served 15 million meals globally.
In April 2023, Dr. Pillai announced his vision to feed the world and asked us to continue feeding the hungry as much as possible and build on the success of Million Meals of Hope with great love, which has evolved into Food for All. Our Food for All initiative is Dr. Pillai’s commitment to initiate the ending of suffering and a historic movement to feed those who are hungry.
Food For All
Our Food for All initiative is a lifeline for impoverished and vulnerable communities. It delivers vital, protein-rich meals through seven Food for All Centers in California, USA, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Chhattisgarh, and Tamil Nadu, India, making a tangible difference in the lives of those who need it most.
In the USA:
Food for All serves 4,000 meals per month, providing prepared meals, mini-meals, and snacks to those in need. Our efforts focus on displaced veterans, homeless single parents, families, and children. We partner with trusted organizations, such as Project Touch and Circle of Care, to ensure these meals reach those most in need.
In India:
Food for All serves 475 meals daily, seven days a week, nourishing impoverished communities and vulnerable groups, including abandoned seniors, slum dwellers, children, women and men.
We also extend our initiative to impoverished communities in South Africa and Hope children and elders in India, especially during specific powertimes, to ensure constant and timely support.
We invite you, your company, or business, and your loved ones to join hands with Dr. Pillai. Your support can be the difference between hunger and hope for those in need. Together, we can transform lives, providing not just food but also love, dignity, and a brighter future for countless souls.
The Latest From Food For All
Take One Step with Us and Bring food For All
How to Give Meals
The easiest way to stay committed to feeding those in need is to set up a recurring monthly donation. Or make a one-time donation to feed meals through 2024.
Step 1: Donate a Hot Meal
Every $1 feeds at least 2 meals
- Feed 25 meals/month at $12/month
- Feed 90 meals/month at $36/month
- Feed 450 meals at $180 one-time gift
- Feed 912 meals for $365 (equivalent to giving $1/day for 1 year)
- Initiate an entire Food for All Center in the name of your family/business for $1,140/mo or $13,680/yr (Contact Us)
Step 2: Receive Gratitude

Step 3: Pray to End World Hunger
Step 4: Inspire Hope
Share, Inspire, & Pay it Forward

Inspired to do even more?
Share the opportunity to create more Hope and Food for All with your loved ones, clients, and colleagues.
- Invite your family and friends to join our historic movement to end hunger.
- Start a fundraiser! There are endless ways to raise funds for Food for All. You could donate your birthday, organize a cake sale, or run a marathon!
- Do you have a business? Would you like to join our membership initiative, Hope Together, Hope for All Partnerships, and maximize Food for All for those who need our help?