Make Every Day a Holiday to Fight Hunger

Make Every Day a Holiday to Fight Hunger

Q: What is the date of the holiday to celebrate the fight against hunger?

A: It depends…

On May 28, World Hunger Awareness Day is celebrated in the UK and a number of western nations. It emphasizes how better nutrition builds better citizens.

In 2008, Feeding American established September as World Hunger Month with a goal of raising awareness about the effects of hunger and encouraging people to take action all month to finds ways to take action to fight it.

World Food Security Day is celebrated on October 6 and World Food Day on October 16. Both have similar themes about growing populations, climate change and what shifts in agricultural and economic trends are necessary to keep people fed, especially in third world countries.

There are many other holidays dedicated to hunger and feedings as well as the fact that most holidays feature celebratory feasts with special seasonal foods.

Surprisingly, even with our current high human population, hunger is not caused by a lack of resources. The world produces enough food to feed the planet’s 7 billion-plus people, so why are so many going hungry? Poverty and disparity in incomes are mostly to blame. According to experts, hunger exists mainly because most hungry people don’t have the resources to grow or buy food.

On the plus, we at Tripura Foundation teach lessons about the importance of cultivating healthy food as well as annually serve almost a million mini-meals to poor children at our HoPE Learning Centers and staple foods to elderly people in nearby villages.

We believe that every day should be a special holiday to fight hunger. So, we invite you to join us in this fight by sponsoring a HoPE Center child (for only 30 cents a day) or an entire HoPE Learning Center (for $360 a month)! Your modest contribution will help tip the scales in favor of the eradication of hunger and starvation!

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