Basking In The Bounties Of Basketry

Basking In The Bounties Of Basketry

Learning how to make something beautiful or useful = learning a skill that can provide essential life income.  And basketry is such a skill.

Ms. Karpagam Meenakshi conducted vocational classes on basket making  for Hope Learning Center children. She also taught creative crafts, including bowls made from dry coconut shells, bouquets made from newspapers and dry flowers, and pen stands made from ice cream sticks.

When the classes came to an end, the children thanked her for such useful guidance.

Some children decided to make the baskets and sell them for Rs. 150 in local fancy stores and make a profit of Rs. 100, which will help them pay for their studies and even partially support their families.

It doesn’t take much to fill the life baskets of children with HoPE. For only $10 per month, you can sponsor a HoPE Center child all year long, including attendance at summer workshops. For a onetime gift of $30, you can cover the costs of a local child during one of these transformative summer trainings.

Also, keep an eye open for upcoming stories with photos about our children learning other  skills within their special chosen trade groups!