Introducing Project SAVE

Introducing Project SAVE

One of my favorite things to hear about is children helping others.  There’s something just so inspiring about it!

So, naturally, I’m excited to share a very special new initiative that Tripura Foundation is launching, called Project SAVE.  And what better way to introduce it than to show you the following video!

In this video, Yadeesh, our Tripura trustee who works on the ground in India and has created new lives for many children and elders, shares a story about Project SAVE and three HoPE Heroes.

Press PLAY below to watch and be inspired by the heroic LIFE-SAVING efforts of these young girls and boys…

Stay tuned for more heartwarming stories to come and to learn more about the children featured in this video.

In the meantime, please consider taking a moment to visit to discover how you can contribute to our efforts in creating HoPE for everyone! 🙂

Warmest Regards,

Chandra Sullivan
Tripura Foundation Team Member