Hope Superstar Ananya | I Have Taken Ownership Of My Behavior

Hope Superstar Ananya | I Have Taken Ownership Of My Behavior

Ananya Himbrarav Sawant was a past Hope Center student studying in class 4 at Kumar Vidhyamandir Mahipalgad. She lives with her parents, grandparents, and her older brother. Her parents are laborers working on daily wages and are dedicated to their work to provide the basic needs of a meager lifestyle for Ananya and her elder brother and her grandparents.

Before joining Hope Learning Station, Ananya was very inappropriate in her communication. Her behavior was very rude and disrespectful. Her homework assignments were never completed, and her attention was not focused in class. She did not participate in any of the activities conducted at the Hope Station. She often was reprimanded by the teacher for her behavior.

But then like a miracle, when she started doing regular practice of Phonemic Intelligence taught by her teachers at Hope Learning Station, things began to change miraculously.

 Her teacher observed changes in Ananya. She started respecting the teachers, completing her homework, she became pleasant and kind and began helping everyone in whatever way possible.

Her teacher gave the entire credit for Ananya’s new personality to the practice of Phonemic Intelligence and Personal Transformation Program lessons taught at Hope Learning Station.

Ananya began to gain confidence and began to focus with new inspiration on her studies. Some aspects and academics that improved were her communication, behavior, speech, handwriting, general knowledge, foundational literacy and numeracy.

Her parents and teachers both are pleased with the positive changes they are observing in Ananya.

Ananya has taken ownership for her behavior, and her parents will forever be grateful to the Hope Learning Station classes for developing Ananya in the wonderful young lady she has become with all the positive changes that are still developing for her with continued practice.

The sky is now the limit for Ananya! Keep focusing and going girl! You can do it!

Just like Ananya, many other Hope Learning Stations are helping students develop into productive prosperous young boys and girls with bright futures.


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