Dr. Pillai’s Birthday Blessings

Today is Babaji’s Birthday. Today, in avery special way, he is radiating Love and Blessings to everyone.

As you think of him and feel gratitude for all the miracles you have experienced with him and his teachings, this opens your heart to receive the Blessings.

Thank you so much for making this Birthday the best one ever for Babaji. It is deeply fulfilling to see his students give so generously to help his people suffering on the island of Rameshwaram, his birthplace.

I’m happy to share that next week, we will be opening 5 Hope Centers for the fishermen children of Rameshwaram, with more Hope Centers and a daycare coming soon. We will also be starting a cottage industry for the widowed women of Rameshwaram who will be employed to prepare healthy packaged food for over 3000 Hope children throughout India.

It feels like a miracle to me – thank you for being a miracle-maker to give a new life to people who really need your help, and are
near and dear to Babaji’s heart.

Love, Mohini